How To Turn Yourself Into A Business

& Make A Minimum Of

£5,000 Online In Under 6 Months

With The Digital Influence Method

Seriously… if we don’t help you create, launch and scale your very own business and get you to £5,000 online, we will work with you for free until you do!

Step 1 of 2: Watch This Case Study

You've seen me in:

Step 2 of 2: Schedule A Discovery Call

What you'll learn on the call

How To Find Your Niche Even If You Don't Know What That Is

Most of us struggle to find a skill that we can hone in, especially one that will actually make us money. In this program you'll learn exactly how to turn existing passions and skills into a business that resonates with your desired audience.

How To Build An Audience That Loves What You Do

We'll show you how to create, film, edit and shoot viral content that grows your audience, builds trust and most importantly sells your products.

Even if you've never made a video before in your life!

How To Create And Launch A Digital Product That Sell

We'll show you how to research for gaps in the market and build digital products your audience actually wants. Our process helps you go from newbie to expert in a matter of days with our simple Digital Influence Method.

Right now times are tough.

People are struggling to make ends meet and get through to the end of the month.

Costs are THROUGH THE ROOF and show no signs of slowing down 🤯

But, what if it didn't have to be this hard?

What if you could BUILD THE BUSINESS OF YOUR DREAMS and it felt good doing it?

I used to hate seeing others on social media MAKING £1000s A MONTH using just smartphone from a beach in Bali!

I used to wonder how I could do the same?

Everything I tried took a PHD or literally years of brute force to get going.

That was until I developed the Digital Influence Method and my life changed almost overnight.

I got to fire my boss, retire my partner, work less hours and have total control over my day...

AND right now - you can learn how to build a business that creates freedom in your life...

AND gain the skills and expertise that helped me build my online business to mid 6 figures a year...

AND you'll learn how to build something you're truly proud of...

AND you'll finally be able to wake up in the morning and feel a sense of purpose in the work that you do...

It's 100% possible!

But who am I?

I'm Sammie - an award winning Financial Educator that's been featured multiple times in The Guardian, Telegraph, Times, Mirror, Sun and Daily Mail.

What you're accessing here is over 10 years of hard work to find the PERFECT formula for making money online with digital products.

This really works!

And the beauty of the Digital Influence Method is once you're up and running you can spend as little as 60-90 minutes per day on your business...

Giving you more time to do the things you love and spend time with loved ones ✅✅

So now... I'm going to hand it all to you on a silver platter.

Book Your Discovery Call Here ⤵️

This is me 10 years ago when I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do in life.

I was broke, deep in debt and had no clue what I was doing...

Fast forward to today and my business earns more since January than I did in 2 full years at my old 9 to 5.

And 70% of that is coming from 90 minutes of work a day on social media 💰

The rest is from my podcast, website, public speaking and YouTube.

Running so many other areas of my business meant almost like 9 to 5, I didn't have much extra time and my social channels were suffering as a result.

BUT... I was starting to notice how more and more people were starting Instagram and TikTok pages and building them up to £1000s in revenue in just a few weeks.

I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by...

So the day I finally decided to take my social media seriously...

I said I need to put 90 minutes a day at least into creating content for my socials...

I went from 5k to 110k followers in just 90 days in one of the most competitive niches on the entire internet.

My digital product sales skyrocketed...

And this is exactly how my Digital Influence Method was born.

Here is some screenshots of my past wins from JUST ONE of my digital products which made £3,287 in 7 days and just shy of £9,000 in 2 weeks.

In April I had a £6,400k day!

Yes, literally earned two months wages in a single day.

AND another £1.1k day followed by lots of others where my business was earning money even though I was focusing on other projects at the time.

Talk about passive income.

Heres what you'll learn

✅ How to find a niche that you love and has an audience

✅ How to research and find trending topics

✅ How to tell stories in your content

✅ How to come up with 1000s of content ideas

✅ How to film, edit and post viral short form video content

✅ How to create digital products that your audience wants

✅ How to create sales pages in under 30 minutes

✅ How to launch and promote your digital products

✅ How to nurture and create a community

Book Your Discovery Call Here ⤵️